November 04, 2005

New six page update

The Harris International November 2005 Update is now available. If you'd like a copy of all six pages, send me an e-mail ( and I will send it to you. The new update is in pdf format. Plus, there is a QuickTime video embedded in the PDF file. So, you will need Adobe Reader 7.0 and Apple's QuickTime 7.0 to view ALL of the contents.

Roy Harris

P.S. I haven't been very busy on my blog lately because I've been swamped with responsibilities. I am sure many of you know what I mean when I say, "Life Happens." But for those of you who don't, let me give you a glimpse:

When LIFE HAPPENS, all the things you want to do, you can't. In other words, the dump truck of life backs up and parks itself within inches of your feet. It dumps ONE TON of unexpected responsibility on your feet and makes you swim through it. All that stuff you planned on doing this week and' get about them. You have way too many other things on your plate that need to be taken care of first before you can even begin to think about doing them.

Have you ever had one of those days? One of those weeks? One of those months? How about one of those years? If you have, you're probably nodding or grunting "mm Hmmmmm!" If you haven't, you're probably wondering what we are talking about. But that's OK. One of these days you will more than likely have one of those days and chuckle to yourself, "I remember when that crazy guy on that blog said something about LIFE HAPPENING ; )


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